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Living organ donors make more sunrises possible.

Sunrises = a New Day, Another Chance.

The same is true for a person that has just received an organ transplant.  Living organ donors give a piece of themselves to help save the life of another.  We support living donors by assisting to insure that their financial obligations are covered during and immediately after the donation process.

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Our Mission

Financial Assistance

We provide financial assistance to Living Donors before and after the donation process


We provide speaking and educational resources to the public organizations/schools

Are you an Organ Donor?

Have you signed up to be an organ donor?  It is quick, easy and painless!

Warmth & Comfort

One of Meredith’s goals was to provide blankets to people going through the dialysis process.

About Us


The Meredith Haga Foundation was founded in 2019 to honor the life and legacy of Meredith.

Since her life saving kidney transplant at the age of 19, Meredith dedicated her life to saving others through Organ Donation.

The foundation keeps Meredith’s legacy and passion alive.

Sign Up & Save Lives.